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History of the Indonesia Country

The meaning of Indonesia Indonesia is in a geographical sense and the nation. According geogiafis sense, Indonesia is part of the earth that stretches from 95 ° -141 ° East Longitude, and 6 ° North latitude to 11 south latitude. While Indonesia in the sense that the nation's political, economic, and social culture in the region.

Indonesia for the first time the term was invented by an English ethnologist named James Richardson Logan in 1850 in earth science. The term is also used by G.W. Indonesia Earl in the field of ethnology. G.W. Earl calls for residents Melayunesians Indonesians and Malay Archipelago.

Indonesia In 1862 the term used by Britons named Maxwell in the essay titled The Island of Indonesia (Indonesian Archipelago) in relation to the earth sciences. Indonesia increasingly popular term when a German ethnologist Adolf Bastian uses the term Indonesia in 1884 in relation to ethnology.

Indonesian word derived from the Latin word meaning indus Indies and nesos Greek word meaning island, nesioi (plural) means the islands. With demilcian, said Indonesia means Indian islands.

Indonesia is also known as the Archipelago. The word archipelago comes from the Old Javanese, the homeland which means islands and between the meaningful relationships. Thus, the archipelago is a series of islands.

Nation Indonesia Indonesia first used the name politically. Indonesia for the first time the term used by the Association of Indonesia, the organization founded by Indonesian students in Holland in 1908. The organization was first named Indische Vereeniging. Later the name was changed to Indonesische Vereeniging in 1922. Later in the year 1922 also renamed the Association of Indonesia.

In 1928 the second Youth Congress in Jakarta, Indonesia used the term in relation to national unity. Youth Congress on October 28, 1928 produced the Youth Pledge in which listed the name of Indonesia. Indonesia officially used the term as the name of our country on August 17, 1945 with the proclamation of Indonesian independence.     


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